The South Hobart Progress Association Inc. was established in 1922. It aimed to provide a forum of expression for the residents of South Hobart to convey opinions to local, State and Commonwealth governments in matters of local interest. The Association also exists to chart a vision for the suburb in several key respects, including planning, conservation, community connection, and local events.
Read more about the aims of the SHPA below, or review the SHPA Constitution for a comprehensive explanation of our charter.
Membership of the Association is available to all residents of the suburb over eighteen years. Visit our Membership Page to become a financial member online or complete a Membership Application Form which is available from the South Hobart Post Office.
Monthly meetings of the Association, which are open to the public, are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm (excepting December and January) in the South Hobart Community Hall.
The SHPA distributes a monthly newsletter. Visit our Newsletter Archive for the latest issue and previous back issues. (The Newsletter also accepts advertising, space permitting.)
Do you have a question or feedback? Please contact the Association.
Aims of the SHPA
The South Hobart Progress Association Incorporated was formed in 1922. It is one of the oldest community associations in the Hobart area. The SHPA (Inc.) became an incorporated body on the 23rd March, 1995 [Association number: IA 095596]. The aims of The South Hobart Progress Association Inc. are to:-
- Protect and promote the welfare, interests and general well-being of the community of South Hobart;
- Enhance, promote, protect, and preserve the social, cultural, and built heritage of Tasmania with special reference to South Hobart;
- Promote, organise, and conduct events, entertainments, functions, or any other similar activity in South Hobart;
- Make representations to local, State and Commonwealth authorities, bodies, boards, councils, or other entities, and any non-government entities for the promotion of the objects of the Association; and
- Operate and manage a community centre for the benefit of the community of South Hobart, and for other citizens and groups as may be determined from time to time.