Remembrance Day 2018

Honour Boards at All Saint's Anglican Church, South Hobart

The South Hobart Progress Association Inc. is planning a community event to commemorate the Centenary of the Armistice which ended World War I.  The Local History Group of the SHPA has been researching the names of the two Honour Rolls in the Church. 

The military and family history of those people, whose names appear on the Honour Boards, and others, found in further research, will form the focus of the Event.

Readers are invited to inspect the list of names below.You may find a family member or a friend.  The Group is keen to hear of any knowledge any person may have.  Contact Kevin Wilson on 6223 1678 or email at @email.

The Event will be held a few days prior to the eleventh of November, 2018.  Further detail will follow.

31st August, 2018